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Embracing Failure: Lessons for Leaders

Images courtesy of Channel 9

Failure is an inevitable part of life. For leaders, it can be a powerful tool for growth and learning. This post explores the lessons that  leaders can glean from failure.


Whether you are a sports fan or not, a rugby league follower or not, the 2023 National Rugby League Grand Final provides an abundance of lessons for leaders and managers.


Executive coaching has its origins in sport so it’s no surprise that the Brisbane Broncos' heartbreaking loss in the Grand Final serves as a powerful metaphor for the importance of mindset in all aspects of life but especially in leadership. 


At the onset of the game, the Broncos demonstrated an incredible level of determination and focus, dominating the first sixty minutes of the game with precision and skill and leading the game 24 points to 8. However, what followed was a stark reminder of the perils of resting on laurels and losing sight of the ultimate goal. 






















The Bronco’s story serves as a poignant lesson in how success can quickly slip away when the right mindset falters, making us reflect on the significance of maintaining determination and concentration, even when the odds seem to be in our favour. 



So, what happened?  


At the half time break the score was 8-6 in favour of the Panthers and it was anybody’s game.  Five minutes into the second half saw the Broncos score and take the lead at 8-12. The Broncos scored again in the 52ndand 63rd minutes taking them to a comfortable lead of 24-8 points, prompting commentators to suggest “they’ve got it in the bag”.


However, due to determination and focus, the Panthers scored in the 63rd, 68th and 78th minutes for a final score of 26-24 in their favour. 





















Just as the Broncos faltered, leaders can encounter setbacks when they become complacent or lose sight of their ultimate goals. The Broncos' loss serves as a compelling allegory for leadership—highlighting the need for consistent determination, adaptability, and unwavering focus throughout the journey, even, perhaps especially, when things are going well. 


True leadership requires constant dedication to the mission, regardless of the scoreboard and the competition.

In marked contrast, the Penrith Panthers' remarkable comeback underscores the importance of mindfulness and adaptability in the corporate world. Just as the Panthers adjusted their strategy and remained resilient and tenacious in the face of adversity, businesses must be agile and willing to pivot when challenges arise. 

Their unyielding spirit and refusal to succumb to adversity propelled them to victory.























When times are tough, a cohesive and united team can weather the storm and come out stronger. The Panthers demonstrated that even when facing a deficit, a committed team can overcome obstacles together and ultimately achieve success.


6 Lessons for leaders


  1. Learning from Mistakes: Failure is often seen as a sign of weakness or incompetence, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Failure is a sign that you’re pushing boundaries and taking risks - essential qualities for any leader. Failure provides an opportunity to reassess strategies and make necessary adjustments. Leaders should view failures not as setbacks, but as steppingstones towards success. 

  2. Importance of Consistency: The Broncos showed a brilliant performance for 20 minutes at the start of the second half. However, they couldn’t maintain this level throughout the game. This highlights the importance of consistency in leadership. It’s not enough to be great some of the time; true leaders strive for excellence at all times.

  3. Fostering Resilience: Failure can be demoralizing, but it’s important for leaders to demonstrate resilience. By showing that they can bounce back from setbacks, leaders inspire their teams to do the same. Resilience also involves being adaptable and flexible in the face of change or adversity.

  4. Maintaining Confidence: Despite the loss, the Broncos’ coach expressed confidence that his team will win premierships in the future if they learn from this experience demonstrating resilience and a positive mindset, two crucial traits for any leader.

  5. Acknowledging Mistakes: In his Grand Final speech,  the Broncos’ captain apologized for omitting to acknowledge his opposition. This act of taking responsibility for one’s actions is a sign of a true leader.

  6. Never Stop Improving: The Broncos have come a long way from coming last in 2020 to reaching the grand final in three years. This progress demonstrates that there’s always room for improvement, no matter how high you climb. Fear of failure can stifle creativity and innovation. Leaders should encourage their teams to take calculated risks and experiment with new ideas, even if they might fail. This promotes a culture of innovation where employees feel safe to think outside the box.



The Broncos’ loss serves as a compelling lesson for leaders. Success can slip away if determination wanes, or focus is lost. Leaders must maintain a consistent level of drive and concentration, adapting as necessary to ensure success.


The lessons from losses or failures, though often viewed negatively, can serve as fuel for continuous growth and improvement for leaders. As leaders, it’s important to embrace these lessons and use them. Doing so will lead to greater future success. 

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“An effective coach is someone who makes you do what you don’t want to do so you can become what you want to become” 

Tom Landry

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